Doubtful poem, I've Got Dreams and more poems


It's not called me being absorbed with myself
It's having confidence in ME first before anybody else
Cause nobody else is there when it all falls down
But when life is looking up every body comes right back around 

U go from debated on and hated on

They had your number stored but not your name in the phone

From being adored to the one they are waiting on

And people say you have changed 

That's cause when things change only the people who don't grow are the ones who stay the same

People so comfortable being germane and inane 

Then they mad at me for not viewing myself the same

But I don't really care that's why I'm taking it here

Naysayers and negativity I don't fear

I've heard my whole life that I wouldn't make it

Now that I've made it of course I'm a little jaded

I'm the product of what "doubt" and "hate" created 

Because they hated without a doubt any product I created 

Now I create hate with my success

Didn't do it on my own Lord knows I'm blessed

And I'm blessed enough to know the difference from the real and the rest 

And I'm really interested in what's up next 

I can forgive but I don't forget- not even one name or situation

Feet up at my destination as my destiny is waiting 

I've Got Dreams

I've got dreams

Similar to the one Martin Luther's seen 

Into the future of being 



Despite nights 

That get so stressful 

Like Mike

To be special 

In place of likes 

To eventually grow 


I've got dreams to beam in this glory

This is my story 

With a happy ending 

Tired of pretending 

I've got dreams that I'm gonna be different 

I've got dreams that I can make it

I've got dreams that they can never take it 

Or turn it into a nightmare 

Cause in my dreams the haters aren't there

And I really don't care

In the midst of doubt I stare

With No Fear

Not speaking of clothes

But dreams you know I've got those 


I've got dreams that they'll get my message

I've got dreams that I'll get connected

Be respected and protected 

But the people that have disrespected I've disinfected  

But my dreams often get neglected

And dissected 

I've got dreams that there's no fights

No wrongs or rights 

And I don't really care because I'm the one that's dreaming tonight 


Cloudy Vision
I've been in a daze these days

Been past the rage 

As they say

What's meant to be will be

But if that rings true to me

Then Its meant for me to be 

In a place of solitude 

Exposing my feelings - nude

Keeping it real at all times - rude

Coming to terms with myself

That I owe it to myself

And nobody else

But we living to hear other people's opinions that don't matter

We living for material things that don't matter

We living for who's pockets, girls backside or guys front side is fatter

At the top of the ladder

So of course you look down

You appreciate it that much more when you started from the ground

Perfect Stranger

She was such a distant fantasy

The type that u would only see in your fantasies

So pure so beautiful so elegant 

So smart so sweet so heaven sent 

So classy not trashy 

Finer than wine

And in these fantasies of mind she was always mine

But in reality she was just a stranger just a memory

Not even a friend a to me 

And in that moment of a glance I wondered if it was all meant to be

In her eyes I saw mine

It was like the stop of time

And nothing else mattered 

But she didn't even know it

We barely know each other and I can't even show it

Impulsive love is playing with fire-I know the danger

And in her eyes I was inspired - that perfect stranger 

Inner Voice

They say I'm arrogant as hell.

I say it's that type of confidence that helped me prevail.

They say I think too highly of myself. I say well if u don't how can u earn the respect of someone else?

They said all I do is boast and brag and show off. I say I keep it real this isn't a show I never turn on or off.

They say I'm selfish I care for no one else . I just laugh at that because I'm usually the first to help.

They say I don't have feelings I think it's a game. I say bad times are a part of life we should enjoy times when we don't endure pain. 

They said I act negative and I can be a hater. That's pretty funny because optimism is a part of nature.

They say I'm a player and I'm a ladies man . I just say I'm looking for the right lady man .

They said I couldn't do it they said I couldn't make it they said that I was nothing they said that I was fakin. They said I didn't have it said it couldn't be done , they fed everybody at the table and when it was my turn they gave me none. They looked down at me said I was just like the others . They said I wouldn't amount to anything I was just another "brother."

 I said they can look down but I'm gonna climb on up, I said I hope they can fight forever because I won't give up. I said I wouldn't take being an average man , so I got credentials and certifications- that's not average man. 

They said I was destined to lose not win. I said it's a good thing I didn't listen to them.

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